Thursday 3 October 2024

The Evolution from Fixed to Free Format RPG



RPG (Report Program Generator) has undergone several significant transformations throughout its long history, but none have been as revolutionary as the shift from fixed format to free format. Originally developed as a tightly structured, column-based language, RPG was once notorious for its rigid syntax, where every piece of code had to be written in specific columns on a line. However, with the advent of RPG IV and eventually free-format RPG, the language shed much of its historical baggage, embracing a more modern, flexible, and readable style.

This article explores the key phases in RPG's evolution from fixed to free format, emphasizing the impact this shift has had on how developers write, maintain, and think about RPG code.

1. The Fixed Format Era: Constraints and Structure

The Legacy of Column-Based Coding

In the early days of RPG (starting with RPG II), the language was strictly column-based, inheriting a lot of its formatting rules from the punch card systems in use at the time. Each line of code was divided into specific columns, and each column had a defined purpose. Deviating from these rules would lead to syntax errors, making the development process cumbersome and unintuitive, especially for new programmers.

Column Design in Fixed Format

Here’s how the columns were generally used in traditional fixed-format RPG:

  • Columns 1-5: Sequence numbers for punch card operations or for editing convenience.
  • Column 6: Continuation indicator to signal that the line of code continues from the previous line.
  • Columns 7-8: Specification type, which indicated the type of operation (C for calculation, H for header, I for input, etc.).
  • Columns 9-11: Factor 1 – first operand (optional depending on the operation).
  • Columns 12-13: Operation code (e.g., ADD, SUB, CHAIN, etc.).
  • Columns 14-24: Factor 2 – the second operand or constant to be used in the operation.
  • Columns 25-35: Result field where the result of the operation was stored.
  • Columns 36-80: Comment area or indicator fields.

Here’s an example of a basic fixed-format RPG IV code snippet:


Each line adheres to a strict structure, with operations (like DSPLY and SETON) tied to specific columns.

Drawbacks of Fixed Format

  1. Low Readability: Fixed format required that code be written in predefined columns, making it difficult for developers unfamiliar with RPG to understand. The code appeared cryptic, especially to those used to more modern languages like C or Java.

  2. Development Overhead: The need to manually place operations in specific columns created additional work. A simple syntax error, such as misaligning a column, could cause the entire program to fail or behave unexpectedly.

  3. Rigid Structure: Fixed-format RPG enforced a single way of writing code. This rigidity made the language harder to adapt to more complex, modern programming paradigms, such as modularity, object-oriented programming, or working with APIs.

2. RPG IV: A Turning Point

In 1994, IBM released RPG IV (also known as RPGLE), which marked a significant shift towards modernization. RPG IV introduced several major enhancements, but it was still rooted in fixed-format conventions, though with some relaxations and enhancements.

Key RPG IV Enhancements:

  1. Longer Variable Names: RPG IV allowed for variable names up to 4096 characters, a significant improvement over the previous limit of 6 characters. This increased the readability and self-documenting nature of the code.

  2. Expanded Data Types: RPG IV introduced new data types such as date, time, and timestamp, allowing for more sophisticated manipulation of time-based data.

  3. Modular Programming: The concept of procedures and modules was introduced in RPG IV, allowing developers to write modular, reusable code. This was a step towards more modern development methodologies.

  4. Embedded SQL: RPG IV allowed the direct use of SQL within RPG code, making it easier to interact with databases, a common requirement in enterprise applications.

Initial Steps Towards Free Format

While RPG IV still adhered largely to fixed-format conventions, IBM began loosening the rules:

  • Some operations, like calculation specifications, no longer required precise column alignment.
  • More complex data structures (arrays, data structures, etc.) were supported, opening up more flexibility for developers.

The following RPG IV example shows a slight relaxation from the rigid structure of earlier versions:

C EVAL result = x + y C IF result > 100 C EXSR print_large C ENDIF

While this version is more readable than earlier RPG versions, it still requires some alignment in columns.

3. The Introduction of Free-Format RPG

The major revolution came in 2013 when IBM introduced fully free-format RPG. This was a major overhaul that brought RPG in line with modern programming languages by abandoning the historical column restrictions entirely.

What is Free-Format RPG?

Free-format RPG is a style of RPG programming where the code is no longer constrained by specific column positions. Developers can write code in a much more natural and readable way, similar to languages like C, Java, or Python.

Here’s an example of how code written in free-format RPG looks:

dcl-s message char(50); message = 'Hello, Free Format RPG!'; dsply message; *inlr = *on;

As you can see, the code flows naturally from left to right without worrying about which column a particular instruction should be in. This significantly increases readability and reduces the overhead associated with writing RPG code.

Key Features of Free-Format RPG

  1. No Column Restrictions: Unlike fixed-format, there are no columns that dictate where specific instructions must begin. You can write code freely across the line.

  2. Structured Blocks: Free-format allows for the use of structured control statements (IF, DO, SELECT, FOR) in a way that is visually aligned and easier to follow.

  3. Enhanced Readability: Code written in free format looks much cleaner and is easier to understand for both RPG developers and those coming from other languages.

  4. Modern Control Structures: Free-format RPG supports modern control structures like FOR, WHILE, and DO-WHILE loops, bringing the language closer to other mainstream programming languages.

  5. Flexible Declarations: Declarations for variables, files, and data structures (DCL-S, DCL-F, DCL-DS) can be made without column alignment. Additionally, free-format RPG allows for in-line initialization of variables, further simplifying the code.

Fully Free-Format RPG Example:

ctl-opt dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new); dcl-s totalSales packed(15:2); dcl-s discountRate packed(5:2) inz(0.05); dcl-s finalPrice packed(15:2); totalSales = 1000.00; finalPrice = totalSales * (1 - discountRate); if finalPrice > 900.00; dsply ('High Discount Applied'); endif; *inlr = *on;

This example demonstrates the clean and easy-to-read syntax in free-format RPG. You no longer need to align your code in specific columns, making it easier for developers to focus on logic rather than format.

4. Transitioning from Fixed to Free Format: Benefits and Challenges

Benefits of Free Format RPG

  1. Improved Developer Productivity: Free format allows developers to write code faster and with fewer errors, as they no longer need to adhere to column-based rules.

  2. Enhanced Maintainability: Free-format code is easier to read and maintain, allowing teams to understand the business logic without getting bogged down by formatting concerns.

  3. Better Integration with Modern Tools: Free format integrates well with modern development environments such as RDi (Rational Developer for i), offering features like syntax highlighting, code folding, and inline debugging.

  4. Attracting New Developers: Free format makes RPG more approachable for developers who are familiar with other modern programming languages, helping businesses maintain and grow their RPG talent base.

Challenges of Transitioning

While free format is a significant improvement, organizations that have legacy systems with fixed-format RPG face challenges:

  1. Legacy Code: Many enterprises still have large codebases in fixed format. Converting these systems to free format can be time-consuming and risky without proper planning.

  2. Skill Gap: Some experienced RPG developers who are used to fixed format might initially resist the switch to free format due to familiarity with the old style.

5. RPG Free Format Today and Its Future

The move to free-format RPG has cemented the language's place in modern enterprise environments. While the AS/400 and its descendants (now IBM i) remain popular in industries like manufacturing, logistics, finance, and healthcare, the transition to free format ensures that RPG remains relevant and adaptable to modern IT practices.

Modern Use Cases

  • Web Services and APIs: Free-format RPG allows for easier integration with web services (REST/SOAP) and the use of JSON/XML data formats.

  • Database-Driven Applications: RPG remains a strong contender for applications that require heavy interaction with IBM Db2 databases.

  • Cloud and Hybrid Environments: As IBM i evolves to support cloud and hybrid infrastructures, free-format RPG is well-positioned to handle these new deployment models.


The evolution from fixed to free format RPG is one of the most transformative changes in the history of the language. By abandoning the constraints of column-based formatting, free-format RPG has brought a new level of flexibility, readability, and modernity to a language that’s been serving businesses for over half a century. For developers familiar with traditional RPG, the transition to free format might seem daunting, but the long-term benefits in terms of productivity, maintainability, and ease of integration with modern tools make it a critical step forward.

As we move deeper into this tutorial, we will explore the syntax and best practices for writing free-format RPG, giving you the tools to transition effectively and embrace the power of this modernized language.

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